About the higher education network

The idea to form the Nordic Experts in Teams Network came from NTNU. The network became a reality in 2014 with funding from the Nordplus Higher Education and later Nordplus Horizontal*.

The network partners are higher education institutions, trade unions, industry organizations, secondary educational institutions, and NGOs in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

     One of the aims of the network is to exchange experiences and develop new methods that enhance students’ interdisciplinary teamwork skills. The network does this through the ITS21 conferences: Interdisciplinary Teamwork Skills for the 21stCentury. These skills are in high demand from companies and organisations and therefore it is pivotal to give students these skills during their studies.

The network partners have met 2-4 times per year from 2014-2018. The meetings have had different goals:


  1. Workshops: Discussion, inspiration and further development of the EiT methodology.
  2. Learning arenas: Education and training of master facilitators, coordinators and other members of the academic staff
  3. Network meetings: Roundtable discussions with external stakeholders and planning, coordination and evaluation of activities in the network
  4. Conferences: Up until now the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ITS21 conference in Trondheim, Aarhus and Uppsala.


We foresee a future network that is tied together by the yearly ITS21 conference. The conference takes place in either Norway, Denmark or Sweden where it is hosted by one of the partner institutions.

Read more about the activities here

Read more about the network partners here

* Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers‛ most important programme in the area of lifelong learning. Find more information here