This website is the result of the exemplary cross-sectoral, cross-border project ‘Interdisciplinary Teamwork Skills and Innovation Processes’ funded by Nordplus Horizontal. In 2014, the project partners formed the Nordic Experts in Teams Network. We hope the website will inspire you to implement new courses across faculties in order to enhance students’ interdisciplinary teamwork skills. The Experts in Teams method origins from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Graduate employers place a lot of emphasis on finding candidates with very specific skills, abilities and knowledge needed to do the job. Employers also value general competencies and behaviors that are essential for successful working. Interdisciplinary teamwork skills are key employability skills – the core skills that will make employees effective at work, whatever job they do. They develop these skills over time and take them with them as their career develops. Experts in Teams is a passport to career success.

Experts in Teams is a method for developing interdisciplinary teamwork skills. The method strengthens the students’ transferable skills in interdisciplinary teamwork, innovation, facilitation, and group dynamics. In the Experts in Teams course, the students work in interdisciplinary teams. The frame is a real-life case from a public or private company or a trade organization. Among others, the website gives examples of how the project partners have implemented the Experts in Teams method.